Digging Deep...for your teammates

There were 2 miles left, I had just crested the top of a pretty steep climb and I felt like giving up. The cyclists passed on words of support: “it's all downhill from here” and “you can do it”. I didn't believe a word of it. My knee was throbbing, I could hardly bend it, I was close to tears and I wanted to give up. Somehow I dug deep and made it to the finish line. It wasn't my prettiest finish yet I pushed through and completed 187 miles with 5 friends.

Looking back at the race, I now know what motivated and pushed me to finish those grueling last 2 miles. It wasn't my own personal pride or competitive streak; it was knowing that 5 of my teammates were waiting for me so we could cross the finish line together. They had supported me so diligently during my 14 mile leg, my scary nighttime leg and there they were at the top of that hill, cheering and taking pictures.

I dug deep and finished strong for my team. I wanted to finish for them, to run across that finish line with them, to sit (outside the van!) and share a beer with them and congratulate ourselves on a job well done. There aren't many running experiences that are team oriented. I relish the Ragnar Relay because of the team bonding experience that happens inside and outside the van.