
I ran a marathon. Now what?

The fall marathon season is almost over and many of you are probably wondering, what do I do now? You dedicate so much time and energy into that one day and when it's over, it's hard to not feel as if something is missing from your schedule. We've been there too. We've felt restless, lazy and directionless. I know, it sounds dramatic, but recognizing how you feel will help you recover. It's essential that you give yourself and your body adequate time to recover after a marathon. One easy rule of thumb is one day of rest for every mile you ran, so 26 days rest days. This doesn't mean you don't do anything, it means that you give yourself a break from any intense workouts for 26 days (think speed work or races).

We break it down into 4 weeks. The first week, no running. This doesn't mean become a couch potato. Instead, exercise but keep the intensity at an easy level. We enjoy yoga, walking, a bike ride, an easy spin class and active recovery classes.  The second week, do a 3-4 mile run on the weekend and continue with yoga, Pilates or a moderately intense spin class during the week. The third week, add in some running, but keep it to a conversational pace. Run 4-6 miles on the weekend. The fourth week, run 2-3xat a conversational pace and then add in some intensity during the weekend run. If you feel good during that run, you are recovered and can start planning your next race. If your heart rate is high and you are out of breath, take a few more days.  Recovery is a vital part of training and, if done correctly, will help you come back as stronger or stronger than your previous performance.

Slow Down on your Easy Runs

Stop looking at the watch during your easy runs and start thinking about whether you are running slow enough. An easy run should be conversational and a pace you feel like you could run forever at.  

While reading Matt Fitzergerald's new book, "80/20 Running: Run Stronger and Race Faster by Trainig Slower" to review on Diets and Review's website I was reminded that most of us run our easy runs wayyyyyyyy too fast. During training, when a workout calls for an Easy Run or a Recovery Run embrace the slow, comfortable pace and stop trying to push the pace boundary.  SLOW runs are just as important, if not more, than your speed work.

It might be hard at first to break the habit of pushing it a little more than you should on easy days, but with a little bit of dedication and focus, easier, easy runs might be just what you need to get that spring back in your legs.  





Returning to the Trails After Pregnancy

By Jessica Green

It seems crazy to think back to this time last year - I had just given birth to my daughter and was in major recovery mode. At that time, all I could dream about was getting back on the trails in Forest Park, but I knew there was specific work to do before I laced up my running shoes and hit the trails hard. I knew this mainly because I am lucky enough to work with fitness professionals and therapists who taught me how to return to running the right way postpartum.

With targeted strength work, expert advice and a lot of patience, I'm running stronger and faster than I have in years. This week alone I hit the flat trails for speed, the hilly trails for a mid-distance run and am looking forward to a 20-miler this weekend which will include plenty of undulating trails. In the last month, I finally feel like I beat pregnancy!

A dear friend and amazing Pilates instructor, Frances  Darnell, once told me that it usually takes her clients about a year of hard work to feel comletely like themselves again after pregnancy. She was right in my case. She also had a lot more to say in the article that I wrote in this month's Trail Runner Magazine, "Hitting the Trails After Pregnancy." 

To all moms and moms to be, I highly recommend taking a look at the advice Frances and others offer in this article as you begin thinking about starting to run again after your pregancy. Here's a glimpse at the article if you don't have access to the magazine:



Melting away our running aches and pains

by Meghan Reynolds

No matter how strong I am, how in shape I am or how much yoga I'm doing, I'm sore - A LOT! I sometimes feel like my hamstrings are made of lead. This feeling has been increasing over the past few weeks as my miles have ramped up and I'm doing track workouts. The soreness and pain diminish pretty quickly after running, it rears its ugly head during my runs. This has happened before and through trial and error, I discovered what relieves this soreness and pain (besides total rest): strength exercises and the MELT METHOD.

I still do yoga, foam roll and stretch but the combination of strength and MELT have relieved my body of so much soreness and pain, it's like a miracle. Seriously. Below details what I've been doing and why it helps.

Strength exercises - these exercises specifically target my hamstrings and glutes. I need to build up strength so they don't fatigue as quickly and are less prone to injury.

Bridge Lift and Walk

Single Leg Bridge Lift

Clock Lunges

Glute Press Up

Single Leg Deadlift

MELT Method: I use the actual MELT balls but you can use a tennis ball and golf ball. I do this after every run and in the mornings if my feet feel cranky. The reason MELT is effective for hamstring and glute issues is because the technique addresses dehydration. We have connective tissue all over our body, and in its simplest form, is what holds our muscles and organs in place. When this tissue is dehydrated, it doesn't move as well. When you bring back fluids to the tissues, you feel better and your body moves more easily. Check out this example of a 3 minute foot release from the MELT Method founder. Sometimes I just roll my feet on the large green roller (you can use a frozen water bottle). Do this for a week and I promise, you'll feel the difference.

Fitness Friday - Triangle Pose


I love yoga. It centers me, calms me and stretches out parts of my body that I didn't even know I had. Yoga is a great way to stretch post run. I like doing a short yoga sequence after runs or workouts because it doesn't feel like stretching to me. I breath deeper in a yoga pose and actually spend a bit more time in each pose versus just stretching time. 

A few of my favorite poses are Downward Facing Dog, Forward Bend (hello hamstrings!), Triangle pose (pictured), Side Angle Pose and Legs Up the Wall pose.

Recently, Triangle pose has been my go-to stretch after a run or spin class. I love it because it stretches the inside of my legs (adductors), hips, sidebody and my shoulders. If you are unfamiliar with yoga, take a few beginner classes so you can hear how to get into the poses and have the instructor adjust you - it hards to feel where your body truly is in space! Next, get a book (Rodney Yee's instruction is a personal favorite) or print out some easy yoga sequences. The Sun Salutations are a great and fairly easy to learn sequence that will stretch you out and calm you after a workout.


Stretch It Out


As you've probably read from our newsletter and other posts this month, we are focusing on recovery. It's vital for your muscles and your brain!

One of my favorite ways to recover is with a slow, easy yoga class. It's not always easy to get to a class because of work, life, running and socializing! So, in order to stretch out, quiet my mind and let my muscles streth and relax, I do a series of my favorite yoga moves. It's not a flow so it's easy (or easier) for everyone. 

When I'm in the midst of high mileage or really busy weeks, I keep my yoga mat out and that minds me to get on the mat and stretch. 

Here are 3 of my favorite moves:

Downward facing dog: This pose stretches everything - from your calves to your hamstrings to your back. It's a great one to do first thing in the morning and after a run.

How to do it: start on your hands and knees. Exhale and lift your knees up, sending your butt up and back towards the wall behind you. Don't extend your legs totally straight. Keep them slightly bent (your hamstrings will thank you). Press your thighs back - you want most of the weight to be in your legs. Pedal out your legs by extending one leg while keeping the other bent and then switch. Hold for 30 seconds at least.

Runner's lunge: This pose stretches your hip flexors, shoulders and hips. You can also do this pose with your back knee on the ground.

How to do it: Start on your hands and knees and step your right foot up between your hands. Extend your left leg straight and slowly raise up. Lift your arms over your head if comfortable. Keep your knee over your ankle and keep lifting up through your torso. I almost feel like I'm trying to lift my torso off my hips. Hold for 10-30 seconds. To switch, bring your hands back down to the mat and then switch your legs.



Triangle pose: Stetches inner thighs, torso and back.

How to do it: Step your legs about 3 feet apart, sideways. Turn your right foot out and keep your left foot slightly turned inwards. Your right heel should line up with your left arch or left heel. Extend your arms out on an inhale. On the exhale, tip your torso over your right leg and bring your torso down. Hold for a few breaths and then switch to the other side.





Recovery tip - foam roll

Stretching and foam rolling are important post run activities that will help keep you running and prevent injuries.

Here's how to foam roll your quads, IT band and hamstrings:

Start in a forearm plank position and position the foam roller towards the top of your quad underneath your hip. You want to let the quad sink into the foam roller and then roll down one inch. Stop and rock left to right, then roll down one more inch and again rock left to right. Repeat this pattern all the way down to just above your kneecap.

Next, roll out your IT band. Again, start up by the hip, roll down an inch and then rock left to right. Repeat that action all the way down the outside of your leg until you are just above the kneecap.

Next, move onto your hamstrings, the muscles on the back of your leg. You want to sit so that the foam roller is directly underneath your gluteal muscles and then move the foam roller down an inch and rock left to right. Do this all the way to just above the knee crease.

Keep your legs fresh and happy as you ramp up the miles this spring. Watch the video on how to do this type of foam rolling technique:

What to eat after running #TastyTuesday

After a long or strenuous run, it’s essential to replenish your muscles with the needed nutrients and fluids they lost during exercise. The goal is to replace lost fluids, carbohydrates (glycogen, which is your energy source during exercise) and proteins in order to speed up recovery time and be ready for the next workout.  

Restoring fluids is the first priority post-run.  Drink water or a sport drink with electrolytes (such as Gatorade or water with a Nuun tablet). Next, focus on your nutrition. Within 30-45 minutes of your cool down, consume a combination of carbohydrates and protein. This is the window when your muscles replace their power supply the fastest and will help prevent the feeling of post-run starvation.  Ideally, you want to consume a 4:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio: four grams of carbohydrate for every one gram of protein. How glycogen, a molecule that turns into energy, synthesizes really depends on the type of carbohydrate you’re eating: the closer it is to its simplest form, glucose, the easier it will be to break down and use as fuel.  Thus, high glycemic index foods like potatoes, whole wheat pastas or breads, and rice refuel muscles better than fructose.  It’s important to consume protein as well because it enhances both glycogen replacement and muscle reparation in the initial hours after exercise.  Below are lists with sources of protein, my favorite meal options, and quick ideas to restore carbs and proteins.

Lean sources of protein and grams per serving:

  • 3oz chicken breast 21 g
  • 3oz salmon 21 g
  • 3oz lean beef 21 g
  • 3oz of turkey breast 21 g
  • 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese 14 g
  • 4oz fat free Greek yogurt 14 g
  • 1 large egg 6 g

Best post-run foods:

  • Quinoa salad (try our Mexican Quinoa Salad)
  • Turkey or chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread
  • Whole wheat pasta (or rice) with sauce and lean meat
  • Salad with lean meat or fish
  • Scrambled eggs or an omelet with whole wheat toast
  • Whole wheat toast with avocado & turkey slices

If you can’t prepare something right after a run, here are a few good options for immediate nutrient replacement (aim to eat within an hour of eating this snack):

  • 12oz chocolate milk
  • A protein shake (made with milk or water)
  • 6oz container of Greek yogurt
  • Apple or banana with peanut or almond butter
  • Hummus and carrots

And finally, after restocking all of your lost nutrients, you come to the most important part of a long run - putting your feet up, relaxing and relishing in your great training efforts and optimal recovery!


How to Foam Roll your Piriformis

Tight butt? Loosen it up by foam rolling your piriformis. Your piriformis is a narrow muscle that lies underneath your larger glutes in your butt. This muscle helps you run and rotate your hip. When the piriformis tightens up, runners will experience a deep, aching pain in the butt sometimes radiating into the thigh, leg and lower back. Because the gluteal muscles get tight and contracted especially after running, it’s important to release the tension with foam rolling.


How to Foam Roll the Piriformis
1. Start by sitting on top of the foam roller with the roll positioned on the back of the hip.
2. Cross one foot to the opposite knee, and lean into the hip of the crossed leg.
3. Slowly roll on the posterior hip area to find the tender spot.
4. Hold the spot for a few deep breaths (until discomfort is reduced).


How to Foam Roll Your Hamstrings & Calves

Runners have notoriously tight hamstrings. Foam rolling helps releases them and allows your muscles to work more in harmony. Below we show you how to roll out your hamstrings. Start where your hamstrings attach to your gluteus maximus (your butt) and slowly roll down your leg. Stop before you hit the back of your knee. When you get to a particular tight spot, stay an extra few breaths and try to sink into the foam roller a bit more.

Next, move down to your calf muscle. These muscles (the soleus and the gastrocnemius) are the muscles that help you push off and move forward, which will make you faster. Take time to stretch and roll out these muscles and you'll see your running improve, especially up hills!

Happy foam rolling!

How to Foam Roll your Quads

We love using our Trigger Point Grid foam roller after a long run to loosen up our quads and reduce soreness. Use your body weight to add more pressure or get a little arm workout in and hold yourself up to reduce the pressure on the roller.

Start at your hips, where the quads attach. Roll down 1-2 inches and then slowly move your body and leg left to right. Roll down another inch and repeat. Stop just below the knee cap (about 1 inch above). Rocking the body from left to right helps break up any knots that form while exercising.

Foam rolling helps lengthen your muscles and restore them. Foam rolling is safe for a pre-workout as well if you are tight.


How to Foam Roll Your IT Band

Do you have knee pain when you run? The iliotibial band, commonly known as the IT Band, is a tendonous and fascial band that originates on the hipbone, travels down the outside of the leg and attaches to the top of the lower leg bone (the tibia). Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and joints, and provides support and protection. Think of fascia as shrink-wrap for your muscles! Once the shrink-wrap becomes tight, it tends to stay tight.

This tightness causes pain in the hip and knee area for runners. Usually, poor biomechanics or muscle imbalances contribute to IT pain. When the IT band shortens, the fascial band pulls the knee cap out of alignment, leading to inflammation in the joint and pain when bending the knee. This injury, known as IT band syndrome or runner's knee, is more common in women than men, most likely due to the wider female pelvis.

The good news? There are lots of ways to lessen IT band syndrome and ward off future problems: regular stretching, foam rolling (or self myofacial release), massage and icing. Massage promotes blood flow to the affected area and helps to minimize scar tissue formation. Treat yourself to a professional massage every once and while, but you can also do it yourself with a foam roller or massage stick anytime.

To help avoid knee pain and IT band injury, keep this thick band of fascia flexible, especially when you increase intensity and/or weekly mileage. Below is one of our favorite at-home ways to keep our IT bands healthy. We recommend that also you foam roll other major muscles groups invovled in running (we will highlight them throughout the month).

How to foam roll your IT Band:

Instructions: Lie on your side with the foam roller perpendicular to your body and below your hip. Bring the top leg in front of you and use it as leverage. Place your hands on the other side of the foam roller. Slowly begin to roll the foam roller down your leg, stopping just above the knee cap. As the roller moves down your leg, stop every 1-2 inches and rock your hips forward and backwards over the foam roller to release tension. Be gentle and breathe!

Off-Season Nutrition

Caitlin, our resident nutritial coach, shares her thoughts on nutrition and in eating while in recovery, the off-season. Jessica and I keep our hunger at bay during the off season by eating food that keeps us full, such as lara bars, apples and homemade granola. And thanks to Caitlin, Meghan understands the power of the food journal - she's been using it recently to lose a few pounds before she begins her half-marathon training.

One of the most common side effects of long distance training is an increased appetite. Many runners love this part of training - it gives us the ability to have an extra treat or cheat a bit on a long run day and not see the usual side effects of weight gain. Although it is definitely possible to maintain or even gain weight while training for a race, it is even more likely that you gain weight directly after a race. Why does this happen?
Right after you race, your body (and appetite) is still used to the high activity levels of training and anticipates a high level of calorie burn. Basically your body is asking for fuel to burn. However, most runners immediately step down their workouts post-race - leading to more calories consumed than calories burned. Our bodies still think they need more fuel for higher intensity workouts while we are taking more rest days. So how can we avoid weight gain during this time? 
  • Keep moving! You don't have to keep up the intensity you built during training, but don't go from running 30 miles a week to never leaving your couch. You might not be training, but try to get in a little activity each day - whether it's an easy run, a long walk, a bike ride, or a restorative yoga class.
  • Be mindful of calories in vs. calories out. This might be a great time to start/restart a food journal or track your food using an app (My Fitness Pal is my personal favorite) and become aware of what you are putting into your body. Remember that if you are looking to maintain your current weight, it's okay to take in as many calories as you burn, but if you are looking to lose weight there needs to be a deficit - you must burn more than you take in. And if you eat more calories than you burn, you're looking at a likely weight gain.
  • Be patient with yourself! It takes some time for your body to adjust, so you may feel hungrier for a few days. Listen to your body - feed it with healthy fuel, drink plenty of water, and be patient. After your body figures out that it needs less fuel, it will adjust and you will feel less hungry over time. 

Recovery Tools

We are dedicating the month of April to recovery and to kick it off we are sharing our favorite recovery tools.

1 - The Stick - hurts so good. Great travel companion for long distance races.

2 - Trigger Point Foam Roller - the grids add a new dimension to foam rolling. Your IT band will never be the same again!

3 - MELT balls - we discovered the MELT Method thanks to Zoe of The Thriving Body in 2010. It's helped our feet and legs recovery quickly and ward off injury.

4 - Trigger Point rollers - deeper and more precise than the foam roller. The kit comes with a guidebook designed specifically for runners.

5 - Exercise bands - these guys help us keep our muscles strong and flexible. We use them for ankle, achilles and calf strength.

What's your favorite recovery tool? We love hearing suggestions from runners and active people!

10 Great Gifts for Runners

We've compiled a list of our favorite running items as a little gift to all of you this holiday season. These are the items we consistenly reach for when heading out for a run and/or workout or what we use to stay injury free throughout training. No matter what the runner in your life is training for - from a 5k to a marathon - we think they will love the items on this list. Use it as a shopping guide for that special runner in your life, or even better, use it for yourself!

1. Trigger Point Tools -We can't say enough about the tools this company creates. We love their foam roller, called The Grid, and are newly in love with their Ultimate 6 Kit.

2. The No Show Ultimate Sock - Great stocking item. We love them because they stay put, out of sight and wick away the sweat.

3. Gym Boss - Perfect stocking stuffer for the newbie runner and the workout fanatic. You can set walk/run intervals which is great for the person just starting to run. Easy to use and clips onto your clothes.

4. lululemon Cool Racer Tank - We wear this year round and it's great for all types of working out. Layer it in the winter or use it as a cute running top in the summer. Loads of colors - we recommend anything bright!

5. The Stick - This is every runner's best friend. We love running relays (Ragnar Relay and Hood to Coast) and this little guy is a must have item because it's easy to pack and is the best self massage tool available. We recommend the Marathon Stick.

6. Melt Balls - Another awesome recovery tool for runners. It's like giving your feet a massage. Use it pre and post run to keep feet healthy and happy! Your feet will thank you.

7. Make a Break Jacket - Besides being extremely cute, it's water repellent, light (perfect for layering), has a hood, reflective detail for low light visibility and did we mention it's cute and flattering? Buy it in red, 'tis the season!

8. Garmin - We recommend the 610 for the serious runner who loves to track everything. The Forerunner 10, 210 and 410 have less features but do what all runners need - pace and distance. Garmin uses satellites to track your distance and pace. Your runner will no longer be beholden to the exact route they pre-planned. (whichever one - good for what)

9. Yoga classes - Most runners don't stretch enough. Yoga is a perfect excuse to stretch and allow your achey runner muscles to elongate, relax and recovery. If you are in New York City or Brooklyn area, we recommend sending your runner to Mala. Find a studio that offers basic and/or classes geared specifically for runners.

10. The gift of running - Give yourself or your runner one of our training programs or personal sessions. We offer gift certificates! Contact us to purchase your loved one the gift of running.

The Need for Sleep

Want to perform better, run stronger or faster? Sleep more! Researchers have found links between the amounts of sleep one gets and their athletic performance. Sleep deprivation affects all levels of athletes. Researchers at Stanford have found that as “little as 20 hours of sleep deprivation” negatively affects performance, especially for a power sport like running.

Why is sleep so important?

Researchers believe that sleep is a contributing factor to improved athletic performance because this is the time when growth hormone is released throughout the body. This is key because growth hormones stimulate muscle growth and repair, bone building and fat burning, and helps athletes recover. If you are deprived of sleep, your body slows the release of the growth hormone.

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

Sleep experts recommend seven to nine hours of daily sleep for adults. However, everyone is different. To figure out your optimal sleep needs, monitor your sleep over a few weeks. If you fall asleep within 20 minutes of going to bed and wake up without an alarm, you are probably getting the right amount of sleep. If you fall asleep immediately upon hitting the pillow and always need an alarm to wake up, you are probably sleep deprived.

The good news for most us is that one sleepless night won’t have long-term negative effects on performance. So, don't worry if you toss and turn the night before a big race. One sleepless night is unlikely to hurt your performance.

Tips for how to sleep better:

  • Turn off your computer, tv, kindle and close your eyes - the blue ligh from tech devices tricks your mind into thinking it's day. Turn everything off at least 30 minutes before your bedtime.
  • Use an eye mask - cuts out all light so your brain isn't tricked into thinking it's daytime.
  • Don’t eat before bed - give your body 2 hours to digest food before going to bed.
  • Sip herbal tea before bed - Up the sleep-inducing power by choosing herbs that have relaxing properties, like chamomile and mint.
  • Exercise regularly - Studies show that exercise helps reduce anxiety.
  • Work out in the morning – Exercising boots your adrenaline which will keep you up at night. Schedule your workouts at least 2 hrs before going to bed.

How to Use Sleep to Improve Sports Performance

  • Make sleep a priority in your training schedule.
  • Increase your nightly sleep time several weeks before a race
  • Go to bed and wake up at the same times every day for a few weeks before a race.
  • Take a weekend nap if you don't get enough sleep each night.

Post Race Slump

Meghan is sharing her ups and downs after running a race and how to break out of the slump.

I ran two races back to back this September: Ragnar Colorado and the Great Cow Harbor 10k. Both races were fun, beautiful, with great friends and I felt awesome after each race. Ragnar Colorado was a 200 mile relay from Breckenridge to Snowmass. I ran 33 of the 200 miles and loved every minute of it - especially the scenery. I got back to NYC and Jessica and I ran the Great Cow Harbor together. We had fun this race and didn't stress too much about our time.

Since then, I've had a very rough time getting my mojo back since the races. I haven't felt like running and I'm tired, like all the time tired! Here's what I discovered in dealing with my post race slump.

1) Give yourself a break! You just ran a race, reward yourself with a few days off.

2) Gush about your race. Meet a runner friend for coffee and tell them all about your race. You trained, you sweated, you rocked it. Brag a bit.

3) Plan your recovery. I love active recovery plans that are full of yoga, spin classes and fun classes like kickboxing. Lay off the running for a few days (or a week or two) and work your muscles in a different way.

4) Pick your next goal. Find that next race that you want to run or your next vacation. Give yourself something to look forward to!

Beat those post race slumps by having a plan and giving yourself the time and space to recover, sleep and find your mojo!

Tasty Tuesday - Protein Powder

I (Meghan) recently made a commitment to eat more protein and pay attention to the actual nutrients I'm consuming as opposed to just going with "I'm eating healthy because I eat lots of fruit, veggies and whole foods." Since that time (about 5 months ago), I've discovered that eating protein is more difficult than I had thought. In order to eat protein in every meal and have it as a main source of my snacks, I had to prepare and think ahead (a lot!) about my food.

I turned to protein powder because 1) it's easy and quick and 2) it can be used in smoothies and baking. I experimented with a few different protein powders, from store bought to order online, cheap to expensive. I found that the more expensive ones are worth it. They taste less powdery and processed and I found I had better results - less hungry and improved athletic performance. Also, I was able to use the more expensive protein powders more than once in a day. My favorite is the Vanilla Collagen Sport by Neocell Sport.


  • Tasteless
  • contains L-glutamine, an amino acid that is crucial in the muscle recovery process.
  • contains 30% of daily vitamin and mineral needs


  • Have to order it online and it arrives via FedEx which requires a signature for delivery (which, if you live in NYC without a doorman, you know how annoying that is!)
  • Expensive (compared to going to your local grocery store/GNC)

How did I use all this protein powder?

I made smoothies. My favorite ingredients for smoothies:

  • Bananas
  • Mango (frozen)
  • Spinach
  • Blueberries
  • Flax seed
  • Peaches

And I made muffins and pancakes! Thanks to Pinterest and the gluten-free craze, I was able to find lots of great recipes that replace flour with protein powder. I used protein powder, eggs and bananas as my base and added in flax seed, cinnamon, blueberries, stevia and applesauce.

What's your favorite protein recipe? Share in the comments section. 


Tasty Tuesday: 3 Post Workout Smoothies

It's important to refuel your body after a workout. This is even more important in the summer months becuase of the heat and humidity. The more you sweat, the more dehydrated and depleted you become. If you are like us, sometimes food is the last thing on your mind after a hot, humid hour long run. What to do?

We turn to smoothies! They are refreshing, light and an easy way to refuel your body. Plus, summer is a great time to experiement with different fresh fruit. We recommend using fruit that is in season and organic when possible. Below are our 3 favorite post workout smoothies. What are your favorite smoothies? Comment below and let us know!

Banana Smoothie
-1 small banana
-1 scoop vanilla protein powder (Meghan likes NeoCell Collagen Sport)
-6oz water
-2 oz of CalNaturale Svelte French Vanilla Protein drink (substitute milk or almond milk)
-4 ice cubes 

Chocolate Smoothie
-1 banana
-4 oz low-fat chocolate almond milk (or regular milk)
-4 oz water 
-1 scoop chocolate protein powder (can substitute vanilla)
-4 ice cubes 

Berry Smoothie
-1 cup frozen mixed berries (we buy Trader Joe's frozen mixed berries)
-1 scoop vanilla protein powder (Trader Joe's Whey Protein Powder or Designer Whey)
-4 oz water
-4-6 oz almond milk 
-4 ice cubes

How to Recover Fast and Foods that Help

After working out, especially if you've worked out for over an hour, it’s essential that you replenish your muscles and body with the needed nutrients. During prolonged and/or intense exercise, your muscle tissue breaks down. By replenishing your muscles quickly, you will recover faster and feel stronger.

So, what does that mean and how do you repair your muscles? You eat and drink! First off, make sure you hydrate during the workout and then replace the lost fluids post workout. Next, eat a 4:1 carb to protein source. Carbs are your energy and protein provides the amino acids needed to rebuild muscle tissue. 

Here are some good options that will get you close to the recommended 4:1 ratio:

  • English muffin with 2 tbs of almond butter = 3:1
  • Banana and 2 tbs almond butter = 4:1
  • Smoothie: 1/2 c water, 1/2 c milk, banana & 1/2 c blueberries and 2 ice cubes = 3:1
  • Horizon Low fat Chocolate Milk box = 3:1

After eating and drinking, make sure you stretch out those tired muscles. And allow your body to rest, especially if the workout was intense, in order to allow the body to repair at a natural pace. We love foam rolling or getting a massage after a long run.