Favorite NYC Workouts

We are runners.  We love running.  We choose running.  Our muscles, on the other hand, don't always love the constant running.  That's when we head to our favorite NYC training spots for some cross-training.

We promote cross-training at least once a week to all of our clients. It's a necessary part of training because you need to work your muscles differently (and give them a rest)!

Here's where you'll find us - when we are not out running around NYC:

Equinox -
Liz Lefois' classes - one of the best global conditioning and fun classes we have ever taken.
Gregg Cook's classes - Spin and Whipped. Gregg. is. kickass. (enough said)

Physique 57 - yup, we do like the barre workouts. Fave instructors: Alexander DeJung and Alex Karigan. Fun, fiesty and hard (Full disclosure, we also like Exhale just aren't that familiar with the instructors and we haven't been to the Bar Method - it's on our list!)

Crossfit - We head to Crossfit South Brooklyn. David and the gang are welcoming and will push you to your limits. There is a community feel and you will learn correct techniques.

Deep Water Running - We love to do Robert's running movements in deep water.  A great excuse to jump in the pool, enjoy a track workout without the track and give those legs a rest from the pavement.  A cardio blast that will leave you hungry for two dinners that night.

Triomph - The guys at Triomph are no joke.  Jack will keep you laughing as you do an insane amount of push-ups.  Just don't take one of these classes the day bfore a long run!

There are more, so many more! Where else do we need to check out?