Improve Your Running Class

Get the most out of your runs!
Join Meghan and Kado, of Body Space Fitness, on
Monday, August 12th, 7:00am-8:00am*
For a special one hour workshop on form, stretching and strength

Meghan and Kado will teach you the following:
1) Foam Rolling 101 
2) Running-specific Dynamic Warm-Up
3) 30-min technique and drill-based workout (including breathing drills)
4) Basic strength training for runners
The workshop will be followed by a Q&A session and some goodies for runners!
*Showers onsite at Body Space

Whether you are a seasoned runner or brand new to the sport, running is a dynamic and demanding activity that requires more maintenance than you may know in order to keep the body healthy and strong. Don't miss this chance to learn drills to make you a better and more efficient runner!