Interview with a Runner - Marcie Parker Griswold

This week's runner is Marice Parker Griswold. She's amarketing + development manager for a contemporary art space. She lives in Portland, ME in the Munjoy Hill neighborhood with her husband and two sons (3 years old and 6 months old). Marcie says "the summers are heaven and the winters are harsh; can't think of a place I'd rather live." She and Meghan have known each other since college and have been traveling and running ever since - from upstate NY to Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro to Berkeley, CA. She's an awesome friend and wonderful mother and we were pumped she asked us to train her for the Beach to Beacon 10k.

When did you start running and why?

I played soccer for the better part of 10 years, and always associated running with endurance (for 90 minute games) and sprinting (with a ball of course). In college, it was a great way to try to stay in shape (though that was tough amidst all the beer and late night pizza), as well as a way to have a social hour with friends. I really started to enjoy running when I could just relax into it and run to enjoy the scenery. 

 Are you running for fun or sport?

I run for many reasons: I feel like I am most myself when I run; maybe it brings me back to my days playing soccer, when I felt super strong. It's a form of meditation as well as a way to have some time for myself. It's also a great way to listen to audio books. 

What’s your favorite running route and why?

In Portland, there's an amazing network of trails maintained by a local nonprofit. Although they wind through the city, they are all connected and take you along the working waterfront, past lobster boats and massive schooners. Back Cove is also a perfect 3.2 mile circle; if I want to tack on 3 more miles, I just take off from my front door. 

What's the best piece of running advice you've ever received?

I'll borrow from that obscure motto of "Just Do It" -- just the act of getting out the door has been so helpful. 

Who inspired you to run?

So many of my awesome college friends. But mostly Hot Bird Meghan Reynolds! She led me running through the streets of Buenos Aires several years ago, and it was adventurous, exhilarating and FAST. She just got me to run a 10K only 6 months postpartum!  

Who would you love to run with and why?

I'd love to run with my sons some day. Although my toddler is already running around like a crazy man, I'm hoping someday we can participate in some races together. 

What’s your favorite post running meal?

I've embraced the chocolate milk craze (partly due to my chocoholic tendencies, partly because it's easily available from my toddler's stash). 

Favorite way to sweat other than run?
I love yoga, tennis, golf and skiing. Mostly leisure sports. This is probably why running is so addictive for me -- it's my #1 sweat outlet.