Interview with a Fitness Professional

Interview with a Fitness Professional is back! This week we bring you the words of wisdom from one of our favorite fitness professionals, Lynnea Ciccotelli, in Portland, Oregon. Lynnea is co-owner and a Pilates instructor at Circle Studio (also a Hot Bird favorite) in Portland's Pearl District. One session with Lynnea is never enough as her knowledge of the body, especially a runner's body, is invaluable to your success as an athlete.  

Why do you like working with runners?
I love working with runners mainly because I am a runner myself. I find camaraderie among runners, an unspoken understanding. Running takes determination, commitment, loyalty and focus; all things I value and identify with. When I work out a runner on the Pilates equipment, I feel like they carry those same principles into their workout, regardless of their level and, man, are workouts like that fun to teach! I love hearing how Pilates has helped improve people's running, because it certainly has helped mine.

If you could tell a runner one piece of advice, what would it be?
If I could tell a runner just one piece of advice, I would tell them to focus on their posture. When you are running from your core, you're aligned and lifted. Your lungs can then work at full capacity which increases your endurance. There's nothing worse than to see a runner with bad posture looking miserable; I always think to myself, there's a better way! I should start carrying Hot Bird's card...

What is your go-to fitness activity and why? 
Besides running, my go to fitness activity is Pilates (big shock). Pilates helps me identify my imbalances that can effect my quality of movement, specifically my posture. The work I do in Pilates informs all of my other activities and movement; I feel stronger, faster, and taller.

What is your favorite post workout meal?
My favorite post workout meal is wings; the spicier the better. I also really like chocolate milk. My healthy answer would be yogurt or eggs and roasted vegetables; but you asked about my favorite.

When did you start running?
I started running distance for fun when I was in college. I lived in a beautiful mountainous town and loved the scenery on my runs; not to mention it was a great stress management tool. I still love it and consider myself an amateur. I have met some amazing people, made great friends and gone some cool places because of running. One such amazing person is Meghan at Hot Bird Running. She is clearly an expert and helped me shed new light on my form and pushed me out of my comfort zone but within my abilities. I continue working with her on form, strength training and speed work and have in a short time already taken a minute off my mile! Thanks Meghan and Hot Bird!