Marathon Training - Weeks 5 & 6


Track is back in my life. It's been awhile since I've done consistent track workouts and wow - those workouts are hard! Week 5 was a tough week because it was after the hilly half marathon and my body was fried. I recouped, slept a lot and had a lot less to worry about in my life so my runs were better. Monday was an easy recovery day, Tuesday was track and it was rough, rough, rough. I couldn't finish one of my repeats. The rest of the week was fine, did a spin class and but didn't do any strength besides core work. My hamstrings are really tight so I need to go back to doing MELT Method on a weekly basis and fitting in a yoga class.

On Saturday, Jessica and I met for a run. We did 10 miles in Forest Park which was awesome. First, it was great because we were back doing long runs together and secondly, I felt pretty good. The last 1.5 miles were hard but I survived.

This past week was a great week for me and running. I had some great runs by myself, a great track workout and an awesome long run. Jessica and I did a killer track workout: 2 x 1200, 2 x 800 and 2 x 400. It's a great track workout to test your pacing. We were both happy with our times because they fell on the faster side of our training range and because we were consistent. (I was NOT consistent the week before!) My long run was great as well. I ran 4 by myself and then met Jessica for 12 miles. We ran up Terwilliger and back down. Our last few miles were our fastest and we felt great. I also did 2 days of lower body strength work. I'm recommitting to strength because my hamstrings need it and my body feels better and more supported. I'm doing a lot of bridges, clamshells, backward lunges, side lunges, squats and dynamic movments to support my hamstrings.

I'm looking forward to week 7 which brings more track, an 18 miler and a long midweek run with race pace miles.