Marathon Training - Week 7


I'm almost half way through training and feeling strong. I did my leg strength work 2 times this week and it's making a difference. My hamstrings are still sore but not like before and they recover much faster.

I had to shift my training days (once again) because of a 3 day trip. I did a fun, fast 7 miler on Monday morning along the waterfront and a 9 miler on Thursday morning. My 9 miler included 2x1 mile repeats and coffee with Jessica and Lucia.

On Friday, I did an easy 4 mile run and then timed Jessica and Marie in the Dual Duel - a crazy, fun 10 mile race on a track. Each team member runs 5 miles but in 400 meter increments. I ran it last year and loved it. Of course, you hate it on laps 13-16 but it's amazing to do and you come out feeing strong. I couldn't find a partner so I said I'd time it.

On Saturday, I went to Multonmah Falls and hiked to the top. It was a pretty steep hike but worth it for the views. Jessica, Marie and I met on Sunday morning for our long runs. We ran in Forest Park and focused on minutes run instead of miles. Marie reminded us that 15 miles in Forest Park on the trails is very different than 15 miles on the road. Her approach is to focus on minutes so that you are getting the same amount of time on your feet (as opposed to more when running trails). We did a fun route that I hadn't ever done before. Those girls are fast and they pushed me which was great. I ran for 2.5 hours and needed a nap!