Hill Running

Crush the Hills With Proper Form

Running hills builds strength, stamina and improves running form. Here are our top tips for proper form when running hills.

Running Uphill

PACE:  Run the first third of the hill relaxed and slightly accelerate the last part.  You are aiming for equal effort.  Try to maintain the same effort not pace you were running on the flat. You can make up for the time of the downhill.

MENTAL:  Visualize the top of the hill ending 20 meters higher than where it actually does. This encourages you to always run through the top of the hill rather than relax once you get there. Also, learn to respect the hill, but feel confident in your ability to conquer it, even dominate it – it makes a difference!

HEAD/TORSO: Keep your head and chest up.  Don't slouch.  Many runners put their head down, which wastes energy by throwing off their running form. It also closes off your air passages and makes proper diaphragmatic breathing difficult.  Fix your gaze directly in front of you.

ARMS: Use your arms in a straight back and forward and up motion to drive you up the hill – do not cross the mid-line of your body. Concentrate on really overusing the arms to help power up.  Increase your arm swing as if you are using ski poles to help your legs push you up the hill.

SHOULDERS: Before tackling a hill, do a shoulders check. Are they creeping up to your ears? If so, roll them forward then backward and wiggle out your hands and arms to relieve tension.

FEET: You want your feet to land underneath your hips not out in front of you. When you start running uphill, shorten your stride. Push off your toes to create the upward motion that propels your body up and forward.  Think: shorter strides; up on your forefeet; pushing off your toes; and knees high to help your stride and keep you upright.

Running Downhill

PACE:  Accelerate gradually into the downhill – do not sprint (which causes muscle soreness later on) or fight gravity by hitting the breaks (which fatigues the quads).

MENTAL: Visualize gravity pulling you down the hill and stay in control.

HEAD/TORSO: Maintain an upright body posture with a slight forward lean on steep hills to go with gravity – always keeping your torso perpendicular to the horizontal running surface. Keep your head and chest up and eyes looking ahead

ARMS: Use your arms for balance as you let gravity help your upper body push you down hill – let your arms swing to the sides and across your body if that helps you keep your balance.

STRIDE: Slightly lengthen out your stride to take advantage of the hill with feet landing underneath you and knees bent. Downhill running can be very injurious to knees, so try not to "pound" the road on downhills.

FEET: Land on the mid-foot, not on your heel, and underneath your knees. Practice landing softly to protect the knees.

For Long Hill Repeat Workouts: (1) Accelerate over the first 10-20 steps increasing to your fastest pace you can maintain with good form for the rest of the hill.  You should be breathing hard at the top, but not gasping for air, and (2) maintain a consistent pace the entire length of hill and finish each repeat in the same amount of time as the others. This helps you avoid starting out too fast and understand pace limits for races. 

Trail Running Motivation

Jessica and I are fortunate enough to live in a city that has a park with 70 miles of trails - yup, you read that correctly! Forest Park, in Portland, Oregon, is a magical, inspiring, incredible and sometimes, well  most of the time, a humbling place! The hills can be unrelenting depending on the trail you choose. It's worth the pain because you feel as if you are a million miles away from cars, phones and noise. 

We love running in Forest Park however, early in our training season, it can take a lot of motivation to get us there. To keep us motivated, we signed up for a hilly half-marathon in July, thus we need to run hills! We also signed up for a trail race series. It's a fun, casual race environment but what is great is that because there's timing and a group of people, we naturally run faster.

During our trail race last week (and Jessica's first trail race!), we came up with our top tips for keeping us and you all motivated to hit the trails:

1) Sign up for a series or a trail running group - strength in numbers!

2) Start small - no need to conquer an 8 mile trail run or the hilliest route on your first couple of runs.

3) Sign up for a hilly race - this will force you to train on hills.

4) Take your watch off - don't let your slower pace distract you. Just head into the trails and run.

5) Instagram your runs - you will make all your friends jealous!

Have fun in the trails!

Learn to Love Hills

If you've worked with us before, you know how much we love hills. We love hilly runs, hill repeats and finding new hills to run. Why do we love hills? Because they build strength, stamina and endurance. Even if your race isn't hilly, incorporating hills into your training will benefit you. You'll be able to run farther and stronger after a few weeks of hills.

Remember to start out easy and slowly - don't charge up the hill or do 8 repeats on your first day out. We recommend incorporating hills into your daily runs and then adding in hill repeats once a week. Find a hill that is about 1/4 of a mile and run up it a few times. Walk back down (or jog) to fully recover before you start up again.

Happy hill running!

10 Minute Core Power - #FunDay Friday Workout

Most runners don't focus enough on their core, i.e, their abdominals, lower back muscles and glutes. These muscles are key focus areas for runners because they provide the stability, power and endurance. If your abs are weak, it can lead to funky running patterns, i.e, overstriding, understriding or a pelvis that swings from side to side and eventually injury.

How does a strong core help runners?

Strong glutes provide power and stability to power you up hills and they provide support and absorb the impact on the downhills. Strong and stable lower abs, mainly the transversus and rectus abdominis, generate more force and speed as you push off the ground, making you a faster runner. Strong obliques help support your torso and maintain proper form over long distances, and they help you move laterally around a runner in a race or dodging those pesky tourists on your favorite run!

We designed the below workout to hit those target areas. Do this exercise for a week before each run and feel the difference. Overall, incorporate core work into your regular training at least 3 times a week.

How to Run Hills

Running hills builds strength, stamina and improves running form. Here are our top tips for proper form when running hills.

Running Uphill

PACE:  Run the first third of the hill relaxed and slightly accelerate the last part.  You are aiming for equal effort.  Try to maintain the same effort not pace you were running on the flat. You can make up for the time of the downhill.

For Long Hill Repeat Workouts: (1) Accelerate over the first 10-20 steps increasing to your fastest pace you can maintain with good form for the rest of the hill.  You should be breathing hard at the top, but not gasping for air, and (2) maintain a consistent pace the entire length of hill and finish each repeat in the same amount of time as the others. This helps you avoid starting out too fast and understand pace limits for races. 

MENTAL:  Visualize the top of the hill ending 20 meters higher than where it actually does. This encourages you to always run through the top of the hill rather than relax once you get there. Also, learn to respect the hill, but feel confident in your ability to conquer it, even dominate it – it makes a difference!

HEAD/TORSO: Keep your head and chest up. Don't slouch.  Many runners put their head down, which wastes energy by throwing off their running form. Fix your gaze directly in front of you.

ARMS: Use your arms in a straight back and forward and up motion to drive you up the hill – not across your body. Concentrate on really overusing the arms to help power up.  Increase your arm swing as if you are using ski poles to help your legs push you up the hill.

SHOULDERS: Before tackling a hill, do a shoulders check. Are they creeping up to your ears? If so, roll them forward then backward and wiggle out your hands and arms to relieve tension.

FEET: You want your feet to land underneath your hips not out in front of you. When you start running uphill, shorten your stride. Push off your toes to create the upward motion that propels your body up and forward.  Think: shorter strides; up on your forefeet; pushing off your toes; and knees high to help your stride and keep you upright.

Running Downhill

PACE:  Accelerate gradually into the downhill – do not sprint (which causes muscle soreness later on) or fight gravity by hitting the breaks (which fatigues the quads).

MENTAL: Visualize gravity pulling you down the hill and stay in control.

HEAD/TORSO: Maintain an upright body posture with a slight forward lean on steep hills to go with gravity – always keeping your torso perpendicular to the horizontal running surface. Keep your head and chest up and eyes looking ahead

ARMS: Use your arms for balance as you let gravity help your upper body push you down hill – let your arms swing to the sides and across your body if that helps you keep your balance.

STRIDE: Slightly lengthen out your stride to take advantage of the hill with feet landing underneath you and knees bent. Downhill running can be very injurious to knees, so try not to "pound" the road on downhills.

FEET: Land on the mid-foot, not on your heel, and underneath your knees. Practice landing softly to protect the knees.

Base Training: Head for the Hills

Base training is a time to reconnect with your friends, the hills! If a hilly run or a few hill repeats here and there aren't a part of your weekly routine, starting making them.

Incorporating hills into your workouts builds leg strength, increases your endurance and stamina, improves your running form, and reduces risk of injury once race training begins. Not to mention, most race courses have at least one or two hills in them!

You OWN the hill

hill_runningFor those of you who fear or dislike hills during a run or a race, we challenge you to reverse your thinking and take on the hill as if you've already conquered it. That doesn't mean, run up as fast as you possibly can; it means, approaching the hill with a plan and that little voice inside your head that says: "I can do this!"

We are dedicating March to hill running. We are focusing on it, doing our repeats and we encourage all of you to tackle those hills and maybe even learn to love them! More tips will be coming at you all month long. For now, here's how to own that hill:

1) Imagine the hill is 20 meters higher than it actually is.

2) Shorten your stride

3) Stay upright, with a slight forward lean; don't bend at the hips