Fueled by Fine Wine half marathon

Marathon Training Week 4 - Highs and Lows

This week was a long one because of work, life stuff. It brought a low point and then a very, very high point (more on this later...) and then I repeated that pattern during my Sunday half marathon. My Monday run was a great one along the waterfront until I got a blister at mile 3.5. It was a 7 mile run so I had to get back. I haven't gotten a blister in a year and the last time was when I wore a pair of Saucony's (after wearing Mizuno's for 3 years). This pair, the Asics Gel-Electro33's are great because I slightly pronate but my foot was having none of it past 3 miles! I was able to continue running all week and it healed quickly.

I signed up for a half marathon with some girlfriends a few months ago. We thought it'd be a fun activity for us and there was the added bonus of wine tasting at the end. It was the first half marathon for one of my friends and I trained her. She did an awesome job - followed my plan to the T!

I was using the race as a training run because it was a hilly run. I had NO idea how hilly it really was. It was kinda ridiculous! There were over 10 hills and most of them were so steep. My body hates hills! I definitely need to go back to the hill repeats that I use to do. I finished but it was the worst half I've ever run. I stopped and helped a woman who fell, I stopped and talked to a friend who came to cheer us on and I was texting with my boyfriend during it. It was pretty funny but it definitely put my hill running ability into perspective. I'm committed to hill repeats now!

It was a great lesson in not giving up and a huge reminder how mental racing is. I had to talk myself through many of the hills. Don't give up - even when the situation sucks and the hill seems insurmountable! (There's always wine on the other side!)