half marathon

When Racing is Fun

It's been a hard year for me when it comes to running. I was injured most of last summer and fall. I spent the winter focusing on rehabbing my leg and doing lots of yoga. Physical Therapy was great and I learned a lot - about my body, why I was breaking down and why I was not getting faster. When I started running again, it was slow and short. I got stronger and faster and thought I could race a half marathon this fall. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Life threw me some obstacles and, of course, right around the time of the race! My July half marathon didn't go as planned and it took a little bit to get out of the funk. I was totally bummed- it was one of my slower half marathons. However, I have found some great running friends here in Seattle and they helped me get out of my funk; I ran Ragnar Relay Northwest Passage and just this past weekend, the Woodinville Destination Races Half Marathon. I did both of these events as fun runs and ended up with fast times and feeling great.

Sometimes you need to shift your focus and make races less about a time or a PR and more about the experience and the joy of running. I was able to wave to people on my half, enjoy the scenery and the post race wine and beer tasting event. I'm now ready to run again and focus on specific workouts and racing. I just needed a little fun in between. So, if you find yourself in a running funk or just can't get faster, take a different approach. You might even surprise yourself with the result!

Woodinville Half

Marathon Training Week 4 - Highs and Lows

This week was a long one because of work, life stuff. It brought a low point and then a very, very high point (more on this later...) and then I repeated that pattern during my Sunday half marathon. My Monday run was a great one along the waterfront until I got a blister at mile 3.5. It was a 7 mile run so I had to get back. I haven't gotten a blister in a year and the last time was when I wore a pair of Saucony's (after wearing Mizuno's for 3 years). This pair, the Asics Gel-Electro33's are great because I slightly pronate but my foot was having none of it past 3 miles! I was able to continue running all week and it healed quickly.

I signed up for a half marathon with some girlfriends a few months ago. We thought it'd be a fun activity for us and there was the added bonus of wine tasting at the end. It was the first half marathon for one of my friends and I trained her. She did an awesome job - followed my plan to the T!

I was using the race as a training run because it was a hilly run. I had NO idea how hilly it really was. It was kinda ridiculous! There were over 10 hills and most of them were so steep. My body hates hills! I definitely need to go back to the hill repeats that I use to do. I finished but it was the worst half I've ever run. I stopped and helped a woman who fell, I stopped and talked to a friend who came to cheer us on and I was texting with my boyfriend during it. It was pretty funny but it definitely put my hill running ability into perspective. I'm committed to hill repeats now!

It was a great lesson in not giving up and a huge reminder how mental racing is. I had to talk myself through many of the hills. Don't give up - even when the situation sucks and the hill seems insurmountable! (There's always wine on the other side!)

Interview with a Future Runner

This past Sunday, Little Bird, aka Lucia Green, saw her first race - Meghan's half marathon in Vancouver, Washington. She was inspired and told her mom that she wanted to race just like the Hot Birds. After, Meghan sat down with Little Bird to find out more about this future runner.

Why do you want to start running?

My mom, Jessica, ran the whole time I was growing in her belly. It was a stress reliever for her and put me to sleep. I think I'll like it as I get older. Plus, the BOB looks really cool and I want to explore Portland.

What's the best piece of running advice you've ever received?

I heard Mom and Meghan always telling their clients to listen to their bodies. I like that approach because it works for me. For example, when I'm hungry, I cry; when I want to be held, I cry. I think listening is very important.



Who inspires you to run?

Mom, of course. She's the best runner I know. Meghan is a close 2nd.

 Who would you love to run with and why?

The Hot Birds, oh and my Dad. I hear he runs every now and again.

What’s your favorite post running meal?



Favorite way to sweat other than run?
I'm really good at working up a sweat while crying.