Hill Podcast Review and Win a Free Month of Training

We've teamed up with Run Momma Run to share the love of running and provide useful training tips to runners. Today we talked hills and why they are an important part of any training plan. Check out our tips and advice here.

1. Always warm up for 15 minutes and include dynamic stretching (butt kicks, high knees)

2. Start incorporating hills into your regular runs & then add long hill repeats after establishing a base of 10-15 miles a week.

3. Long hill repeats - accelerate over the first 10-20 steps increasing to regular running pace.

4. Uphill form - Keep your head & chest up & focus eyes directly ahead of you. Use your arms in a forward and up motion to drive you up the hill. Concentrate on over using the arms!

5. Downhill form - Don't overstride but let gravity be your friend. Keep your arms relaxed. Aim to have your foot land underneath you.

6. Injury Prevention - Watch out for nervy pain or tightness during the workout and end of your workout that doesn't go away. Dull soreness or muscle fatigue is normal.

7. Find a running buddy to do hill repeats and have fun!

Also, we are giving away one month of our Express Training Package! This plan includes an initial consultation, weekly workouts and a plan geared towards your goal. We can coach you from anywhere! To enter, do the following:

1) Tell us why you want a coach by commenting on this blog post

2) and comment on our Facebook page ("like" us first to comment!)

We'll pick a winner on March 1st at 9am est.