The North Face

Interview with a Runner

Our runner today is one of Meghan's friends from Chile, Matias Fajardo Fuente-Alba. He loves trail running, adventure, oh and beer!

When did you start running?
I started running about 20 years ago, At first, I was just keeping my dad company on his runs but then it turned into something I needed to do. At some point, I started to feel "heavy" if I skipped a run.

Who or what inspires you to run?
My Dad. He always inspired me to practice any sport, but since he was a runner, he invited me to join him and I accepted!

What is your favorite running route? Why?
Anywhere there´s a trail! I enjoy running outside the city.

Favorite post-run meal?
not a meal but beer!

Best piece of running advice?
2 pieces of advice have stuck with me: 1) Stretch, always stretch and 2) give injuries time, your body needs to rest. If you keep pushing you'll never get well.

Are you running for fun or sport?
For fun. I became a trail runner 3 years ago and was part of The North Face running team here in Chile. Now, i just love the trails.

Who would you love to run with (doesn't have to be a runner)?
Dean Karnazes and my girlfriend (she's not a runner...yet!)

Favorite way to sweat other than run? 
I do Crossfit periodically because it's hard to get bored with it - no class is like any other one. Also, I play touch rugby because I enjoy the team atmosphere.