Interview with a Runner

This week's runner is Tricia Crider. Tricia is a southerner at heart, growing up in San Antonio, Texas, but currently living in New York City and working in the jewelry industry. While she enjoys living in New York, she loves to travel and to escape as often as possible on the weekends. You'll often find her running during these escapes! Her favorite place to go is Breckenridge, Colorado, both to ski in the winter and then to relax and hike in the summer. She is currently on her summer racing hiatus but plans to sign up soon for a half marathon in October, which will be her 4th!

When did you start running?
I started running my junior year of college. I was on the varsity swim team for two years, but quit after getting burnt out. I was looking for a way to stay in shape, that didn't require me to get into a pool every day. I went to a small college in Tennessee that sat amid 10,000 acres of woods, so there were always fun trails to run around campus.

What inspires you to run?
I am inspired to run to stay healthy as I get older. It is so easy to get sidetracked by work, deadlines, family, or anything else, and forget to focus on the most important thing you need as you go through life: your health.

What is your favorite running route? Why?
I live on the Upper East Side and LOVE that I am so close to Central Park. My favorite run is the Central Park loop because it is a little escape in the middle of this bustling city. I especially love to run in Central Park in the fall when the leaves are changing - it is absolutely beautiful!

Favorite post-run meal?
Egg whites and a side of greek yogurt with fresh berries.

Best piece of running advice?
Stretch before and after you run! I'm not getting any younger and the older I get, I can really tell the difference it makes if I take the time to stretch out before and after I run.

Who would you love to run with and why?
As a native San Antonian, I have to say that I would love to go on a run with the San Antonio Spurs - not necessarily all of them, but it would have to include Tim, Tony and Manu. I have been a Spurs fan for life and it would be great to meet these amazing athletes and learn what inspires them to do what they do every day. They would of course need to slow down to a jog for me...

Are you running for fun or sport? 
I run for fun, but mostly to stay sane. It is so easy to get stressed out by work, especially in hectic NYC, but I love to relax at the end of the day by running along the Hudson river, or around the reservoir in Central Park.

Favorite way to sweat other than run?
Soul Cycle is my current obsession. Spinning is a great way to get cardio while incorporating upper body training at the same time. They also play great music!