
Interview with a Runner

This week's runner is Tricia Crider. Tricia is a southerner at heart, growing up in San Antonio, Texas, but currently living in New York City and working in the jewelry industry. While she enjoys living in New York, she loves to travel and to escape as often as possible on the weekends. You'll often find her running during these escapes! Her favorite place to go is Breckenridge, Colorado, both to ski in the winter and then to relax and hike in the summer. She is currently on her summer racing hiatus but plans to sign up soon for a half marathon in October, which will be her 4th!

When did you start running?
I started running my junior year of college. I was on the varsity swim team for two years, but quit after getting burnt out. I was looking for a way to stay in shape, that didn't require me to get into a pool every day. I went to a small college in Tennessee that sat amid 10,000 acres of woods, so there were always fun trails to run around campus.

What inspires you to run?
I am inspired to run to stay healthy as I get older. It is so easy to get sidetracked by work, deadlines, family, or anything else, and forget to focus on the most important thing you need as you go through life: your health.

What is your favorite running route? Why?
I live on the Upper East Side and LOVE that I am so close to Central Park. My favorite run is the Central Park loop because it is a little escape in the middle of this bustling city. I especially love to run in Central Park in the fall when the leaves are changing - it is absolutely beautiful!

Favorite post-run meal?
Egg whites and a side of greek yogurt with fresh berries.

Best piece of running advice?
Stretch before and after you run! I'm not getting any younger and the older I get, I can really tell the difference it makes if I take the time to stretch out before and after I run.

Who would you love to run with and why?
As a native San Antonian, I have to say that I would love to go on a run with the San Antonio Spurs - not necessarily all of them, but it would have to include Tim, Tony and Manu. I have been a Spurs fan for life and it would be great to meet these amazing athletes and learn what inspires them to do what they do every day. They would of course need to slow down to a jog for me...

Are you running for fun or sport? 
I run for fun, but mostly to stay sane. It is so easy to get stressed out by work, especially in hectic NYC, but I love to relax at the end of the day by running along the Hudson river, or around the reservoir in Central Park.

Favorite way to sweat other than run?
Soul Cycle is my current obsession. Spinning is a great way to get cardio while incorporating upper body training at the same time. They also play great music!

Interview with a Running Coach

This week we are proud to interview our new Brooklyn-based running coach, Rebecca "Bex" Burkett.  Bex is a California native who just celebrated her 10 year NYC anniversary. She is a graduate student and run coach living in Brooklyn. Fun fact - she spent almost a year in San Francisco racking up miles along the Marina and over the Golden Gate Bridge AND working at The Cheese School of San Francisco.  Her cheese and wine knowledge makes her a great asset for dinner parties! Check out Bex's coaching bio on our Coaches page. 

When did you start running?
I would pick up running from time to time throughout college, but didn't start seriously running until 2004. I had recently moved to NYC after graduating college and wanted to cross "run a marathon" off my bucket list. So I started training. Little did I realize that I would love it so much!

Who inspired you to run?
My parents are my inspiration. From as early as I can remember, they ran together every day. They are now both in their 60's and still going strong. We all run together when I'm visiting or we're traveling and I even convinced my mom to run her first half-marathon with me a couple years ago.

What is your favorite running route? Why?
I recently moved to Downtown Brooklyn, so I've been spending a lot of time running along the waterfront and Brooklyn Bridge Park. I love being by the water and it usually isn't very crowded over there. I also really like running the Brooklyn Bridge at dawn. At that time it's mostly empty, beautiful and a great way to connect to Manhattan for longer runs (loving Summer Streets for that at this time of year). But the bridge is only lovely at dawn. Any later and the swarm of people becomes difficult.

Favorite post-run meal?
Usually I'll go for eggs or a smoothie with almond milk. But after a really hard, long run, a burger is my favorite thing to eat. A medium rare, grass-fed cheddar cheeseburger. Yum!

Best piece of running advice?
Listen to your body. I'm a stubborn person and I have a tendency to push myself hard. Over the years, I've learned the importance of being attuned to what your body needs. Sometimes it's an extra rest day, a shorter or slower run, and that's okay.

Who would you love to run with and why?
I'd love to run with Bart Yasso (Runner's World). I read his book a few years ago and found his story so inspiring. He has such a wealth of knowledge about running and fun races all over the world. Plus, the man invented Yasso 800s, so I'd like to get to know the man I curse while doing speedwork! I'm going to have to catch him the next time he's in NY.

Are you running for fun or sport? 
A little of column A and a little of column B. I run because running keeps me happy and sane and is the ultimate stress-buster. Most of my friends also train for marathons, so my workouts are often great ways to catch-up with them, in addition to getting me race-ready.

Favorite way to sweat other than run?
I love yoga, spinning, and rock climbing.

Interview with a Runner

Sarah Hourigan and Meghan have been friends since first semester freshman year at Hamilton College. Sarah loves sports - watching and playing. She's the best person to go to a game with or have on your softball team. However, running? Meghan never knew her to run, except to the Yankee's stadium or around the bases in softball. When she emailed Meghan to say she was running a half-marathon and needed help, Meghan was thrilled to work with her. Sarah did all the workouts - even in freezing temps and ran an incredibly strong first half-marathon. She's signed up for her second half this fall and we are just waiting until she runs a marathon!

When did you start running?
To this day, I maintain that I was tricked into running. One day, out of the blue, a friend of mine decided we should run a half marathon to celebrate our 35th birthdays. After a lot of procrastination, I reluctantly signed up for the Lake Placid Half. Almost immediately after signing up, my now ex-friend injured herself and withdrew from the race, leaving me, the girl who has rejected the very idea of distance running for quite some time, to train by the middle of NYC. Thankfully, I have known the Hot Birds since college and blackmailed them into helping me!

Who inspired you to run?
One girl is inspiring, motivating, tough, and doesn't put up with my sh*t. I get away with nothing and am better for it.

What is your favorite running route? Why?
Tough question. It took me a long time to understand why people run. I have heard people say it relieves stress, that it frees the mind, blah blah blah. I always thought they were full of it. Running is painful. It is hard. Every step is a struggle for me. I never experienced the euphoria people rave about....until I ran in Santa Monica. I had to go to LA for work. I woke up one morning at 4AM, super stressed. I really just wanted to order room service and stay in bed until it was time for my meeting but I had that ridiculous half marathon in a couple of months. I dragged myself to the beach and started to run. It was the first time I didn't check my watch every five seconds to see if I was almost finished. I finally let go of all the work stress and allowed myself to completely take in my surroundings. I haven't had an experience quite like that again - probably because I run the same loop in Central Park so often that I know exactly what comes next and when I will be done. There are no surprises. Nothing new to experience. I need to find a new route asap!

Favorite post-run meal?
First, I chug a couple of giant seltzers, then I make pancakes or french toast and coffee. Pure heaven.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received?
Hydrate...I often run totally dehydrated and it is a bad idea.

Who would you love to run with and why?
Roger Federer...because he is awesome and super cute.

Are you running for fun or sport? 
Hmm....good question. I do not run for fun or for sport, I run for pizza and beer. The more running I do, the less guilt I feel when I consume pizza and beer. Amazingly, if I run, I can eat these delicious treats without having to purchase a new wardrobe. I guess there is something to this running thing after all.

Favorite way to sweat other than run?
Random dance parties in my apartment.

Interview with a Runner - Meghan's Dad

Our dad's have inspired us in so many ways. This week, we are featuring Meghan's dad, Joe Reynolds. He announced that he was going to take up running again this past May and committed to follow our soon-to-be released beginners program. He's 70, a retired Brooklyn native, tells the best stories, follows our "talk-test" to a T and loves woodworking.

When did you start running?
I initially started running when I was a kid in 1954 after Roger Bannister broke the 4 min mile record. I went out and ran a mile on a track. I only had a watch at the time (not a stop watch). I think i did it in 10 minutes and I was exhausted. I've run on and off over the years since then. Meghan was the reason I started running this summer, after a very long hiatus.

Who inspired you to run?
Roger Bannister and, more recently, Meghan.

What is your favorite running route? Why?
I used to run to the Reservoir in Central Park from my place in the Upper East Side. I'd run the loop and then head home before work. I used to see Jackie O and her bodyguards in the mornings. I loved being in Central Park.

Favorite post-run meal?
English muffin with red pepper jelly and club soda. I'd really like to drink 2-3 tall boys but i just can't do that anymore, especially since I run in the morning - that would really throw my whole day off. (Meghan is just shaking her head).

What is the best piece of advice you ever received?
The advice Meghan gave me - to keep my body forward and pump my arms. Every time I feel a little tired or awkward, I lean forward and pump my arms and I get my rhythm back.

Who would you love to run with and why?
My father in law who is now 92 and not a runner anymore but was very active. He grew up in Boston and has stories about the Boston Marathon when only 70 people ran it. He's a talker so it would be fun to shoot the sh*t with him during a run.

Are you running for fun or sport? 
Fun...and to look really good at my nephew's wedding.

Favorite way to sweat other than run?
Working out in the garage, making benches and wood working projects (he made our logo into a 3d wooden image!)...and all the "honey-do" projects that your mother has me do. 

Interview with a Runner

This week's runner is Ashley Combs. Ashley hails from sunny Florida. She works as a real estate development consultant - that is, when she is not traveling or running! She and Meghan trained together to qualify for Boston and then ran it together in 2008. Some of Meghan's fondest running memories are with Ashley and getting up at 3:30am to run 20 miles before the Florida heat set in.

When did you start running and why?
I started running when I was in college and the freshman 15 found me. I grew up a competitive swimmer, softball player and golfer - not sports that were sustainable as a college student. Running allowed me to get back in shape and gave me new challenges to achieve.

What is your favorite running route? Why?
My favorite running route is a peaceful route along a dirt road in the North George Mountains. My family has a vacation home up there on the Taccoa River and it is truly the most peaceful place in the world. And the mountains provide quite a challenge as well!!

Favorite post-run meal?
On my daily runs, I enjoy a protein shake with frozen banana and blueberries but after a loooong run, it has to be an omelet and a huge cup of coffee (I obviously run in the mornings!). I particularly enjoy thinking about that post long run meal at about mile 15!

What is the best piece of advice you ever received?
Don't run so many miles!! I went through a time when I was running a few marathons a year and kept getting injured (and running anyway). By reducing my miles and make them count, I have remained injury-free for over a year now. That and the old adage "listen to your body"...there is some truth behind that!

Are you running for fun or sport? 
I run mostly for fun but do enjoy racing and beating my own goals. I find running a form of therapy...I can think out any issue, problem or stress in my life - even what I am going to wear for the day, haha!

Who inspires you to run?
Although I have not seen her in years, I attribute the beginning of my love for running to my college friend, Nicole Goodman. Nicole encouraged me to run my first competitive 5K in Tallahassee (go Noles!). It was a point to point race and I remember observing the college runners adding on by running back to the start -in effect completing a 10K - and exclaiming how crazy I thought it that they were running 6.2 miles!! It seemed so far to me at the time. Now that is a normal Tuesday morning training run for me! Ha!

Who would you love to run with and why?
I would love to go for a run with my grandfather that I never met. I find a run the best way to catch up with a friend or to bond with a new one and I have so many questions for my father's father!

Favorite way to sweat other than run?
I still enjoy swimming as my second favorite cardio sport but I often find myself in yoga classes, barre fitness classes and a crossfit-style bootcamp (sans the Olympic weight lifting!).

Interview with a Runner

This week's runner is Carolyn Hagen. Originally from New Jersey, she now lives in Hell's Kitchen with her fiance and English Bulldog. After Sandy sidelined her first full marathon goals last fall, she set her sights on the NYC Half Marathon shaving off 34 minutes from her time last year. With a new half PR behind her, she's getting ready to take on the NJ Marathon this spring for her first full marathon ever! 

When did you start running and why?
Last year, living by the West Side Highway I saw a ton of runners so I figured I would give it a try! However, to get myself committed to running I signed up for a race so I would have a goal to work towards . . . the goal was NYC Half Marathon because that's what most people do when they decide they want to start running, right? Oh and my fiancee is an avid runner.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received?
Don't over train and listen to your body - this whole running thing is supposed to be fun and release stress, not something to cause stress.

What are your current running goals? Are you training for anything? 
NJ Marathon on May 5th - 1st marathon ever!

What/who inspired or inspires you to run?
My fiancee - Ironically, he likes to run alone so that means I run alone. I enjoy it though because I can zone out and listen to music.

Favorite way to sweat other than run?
It used to be hot yoga but due to training I've scaled back - so regular yoga is now my fave!

What is your favorite running workout?
Weirdly enough it's the long runs - I like to know I'm about to accomplish something major and it feels phenomenal when it's completed.

Interview with a Massage Therapist

Jennifer Mayer is our featured runner of the week. She is the  owner of Mama Moon NYC which is her private practice as a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Holistic Health Coach and Birth Doula. She has been our go-to massage therapist for the past few years. She's healed many an aligment! She loves helping her clients feel better, manage stress and birth babies! Just from talking to her, you know she loves her job!

Why do you like working with runners?
It’s rewarding to help my clients reach their training and racing goals. My clients tend to be very motivated and fun to work with. Massage therapy is effective in injury prevention and healing, and I can see results pretty quickly in athletes. I’ve helped runners with super tight calves and hamstrings, injured runners prepare for an upcoming marathon, and then of course, helped runners recover after the big event. Working with each client on his or her goals is exciting, to be part of their team and help them achieve what they are working towards.  

If you could tell a runner one piece of advice, what would it be?
Stretch! Many times I have runners come into my office who tell me all about their training, and the miles they are getting in, despite being busy at work or taking care of kids. And, really, it’s impressive how my clients can get everything done. One thing that many runners confess to me is that they don’t stretch. Period. I hear from them that there’s no time, or they forget, or they don’t like it. But please, make time to stretch, your muscles will thank you! 

What is your go-to fitness activity and why?  
For the past three years I’ve enjoyed private Pilates sessions as my go-to activity. The Pilates work helps keep my posture in alignment, which keeps my body healthy. It also focuses on weaknesses in my core and structure, so my body becomes stronger and works more efficiently. The Pilates work has greatly improved my running. Due to injuries in my shoulder and rib cage from a ski accident in 2003, it took me a few years to become comfortable running again as I would develop back pain after a certain amount of running. The Pilates work has really helped stabilize my core and even out some imbalances in my body. I really feel like it keeps me going, so I can enjoy running pain free now. 

What is your favorite post workout meal?  

Something quick, easy and nutrient dense. Lately, I've really been enjoying a sliced banana with cinnamon sprinkled on top with a tablespoon of raw nut butter on the side. I mix it up between almond and cashew butter. Yum! I also love green smoothies, filled with fresh pineapple, frozen mango, fresh kale and almond milk- maybe some additions of bee pollen or hemp seeds.

Jennifer Mayer's Green Smoothie Recipe:

  • 3/4c fresh (or frozen) pinapple
  • 3/4c frozen mango
  • 3-4 stalks of kale, stems removed
  • Handful baby spinach if it's on hand
  • 1 tablespoon raw almond butter
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • Sprinkle of bee pollen
  • Enough almond milk to make it blend

When did you start running and why?  
I started running when I was twelve years old. I grew-up on a farm in upstate, New York and running was the quickest way I could get from one side to the other. As a child I never enjoyed “round ball” or team sports. One day I asked my father “Why can’t there be a sport where all you need to do is run? That would be really fun, and I think I’d be good at that.” My dad said, “You could be a harrier! And run cross-country!” I had no idea that running was a thing. Well I looked into this whole running thing and joined a community Track & Field program for children 5-12 years old. Eventually, I joined the modified Cross Country team at school, and, in 8th grade I made the varsity Track & Field team.

Running became a huge part of my high school experience. I loved going to practice every day, our team was a lot of fun to be around. I enjoyed racing and being part of the team, but I also liked setting individual goals for myself. Throughout high school I ran Cross Country in the fall, our coach hosted a winter training daily workout in the winter, and I ran the 400 Hurdles, 3000 meter steeplechase and 4x800 relay in Track in the spring. My Cross Country team even competed twice in the New York State Championship meet. Being part of the Track and Cross Country teams was a wonderful experience, and I feel like it’s given me a strong foundation for health and fitness that I’ve carried into my adult life.

Interview with a Runner

Corey Dergazarian is our featured runner of the week. We've known her for about 3 years and have seen her go from running 1 mile to knocking out a 3 mile run at 8:30 pace easily over 3-4 months. We like to say that she was our first success story! She lives in Prospect Heights with her husband, 4 1/2 month old son and energetic dog (Ella). She's lived all over the country and abroad and is happy to now call Brooklyn home!  

How do you know us - Hot Bird Running?
I met Jessica and Meghan about 3 years ago when I attended a Wednesday night run club at lululemon Brooklyn - where Meghan led weekly runs through Prospect Park. My husband and I had recently moved to the neighborhood; I hadn't run in a while and didn't know many people in the 'hood I figured, hey, I love to run and runners are fun and friendly people, right? why not give it a try. I am SO glad I did and was hooked from the start. Since then, I have gone on countless runs with Jessica and Meghan, attended several of their Hot Bird group training sessions and had a laugh kicking butt in the NY Ragnar Relay upstate with Jessica two years ago. The Hot Bird Running ladies are my go-to running experts!  

What are your current running goals? Are you training for anything?
I am a new mom to a beautiful 4 1/2 month old boy and am focused on slowly getting back into running and strengthening my (now-floppy) mommy muscles. I ran during my pregnancy last year until about the middle of my second trimester, but when I started experiencing back pain I decided it best to stop running and switched my focus to weekly prenatal yoga. I recently began running again after a now almost 8 month break and wow does it feel great! I have always wanted to run a half marathon - perhaps this will be my year!? 

Who or what inspires you to run?  
I have loved to run for as long as I can remember (...that and I really, really dislike the gym). I'm not a competitive runner and enjoy taking a non-structured approach to my workouts. I run because it's my 'me' time, even if I'm running with someone else or in a group. Nothing beats being outside with the wind in my hair, sweat dripping down my face and feeling carefree. Running clears my head and gives me time to digest my thoughts and decompress from busy city life. I'm inspired to keep going because that feeling of calm and refreshment I have after a good hard run can't be beat! 

What is your favorite running route? Or favorite place to run?  
My favorite place to run is through Prospect Park. Away from crowded city streets, winding through the many trails and paths in the park never gets boring! I also adore running along the beachfront when I'm visiting my in-laws in the south of France.  

Who is your favorite person to run with and why?  
My favorite running partner is my dog Ella. The minute I get my running shoes out and grab her leash she dances around until we're out the door! I am really excited to take my son out on runs in a couple of months when he is old enough for his jogging stroller - I hope he'll enjoy the journey as much as I do. 

What is the best piece of running advice you ever received and who was it from  
The best running advice I ever got was from the Hot Birds - to always have fun! When I'm out on a run and feeling tired or unmotivated, I remind myself it's not about my pace per minute, how far I go or if I'm running hard enough. I'm out there running and that's what counts. I just get my shoes laced up and go for it!   

What is your favorite running gear/piece of clothing?
I would be lost without my Champion Powerback sports bra (...even more critical now since I'm a breastfeeding mom!)

Interview with a Runner

Kristen Moore is our featured runner this week. Kristen's been living in Manhattan for 9 years (just one more year and she's officially a New Yorker!). She works in PR producing events for over 10 years, which means no two days are alike and she's always on the go. She loves soaking up the city on the weekends and, more recently, getting in all those long runs every weekend! (She recently completed the Miami Half and is looking forward to completing the NYC Marathon)

How do you know us - Hot Bird Running?
I was introduced to the Hot Bird girls through work. My company's HR/Healthy Living program invited Jessica and Megan in for an 8 week running clinic over the spring/summer of 2012. I had been toying with the idea of running my first marathon but wasn’t sure how to properly train for 26.2 miles. So I immediately signed up for the clinic and after meeting Jessica and Megan I was instantly hooked on Hot Bird Running.

What are your current running goals? Are you training for anything? 
Well…my ORGINAL goal was to run the 2012 ING NYC Marathon. However, when the marathon was officially canceled due to Hurricane Sandy I knew I needed another challenge. My CURRENT goal is to now run the 2013 ING Miami half marathon and achieve my PR of 1:55. Thankfully, Hot Bird Running has helped me safely and smartly transition from full marathon into half marathon training. And finally, my FUTURE goal is to retrain and run the 2013 ING NYC Marathon.

Who or what inspires you to run?
Actually, it is my overall determination that inspires me. I enjoy working towards an end goal because that’s what motivates me to get out of bed and work out every morning. I also need to have a day-to-day training schedule because then I take ownership of my training and hold myself accountable. It has been inspiring to look back at my commitment to running over the last 8 months. I have seriously pushed myself to run distances I never thought I could.

What is your favorite running route/place to run?
In the summer, I spend my weekends in a quiet little Hamptons village near the beach. My route includes fields of farmland and serene ocean views. I love that I can run for miles and miles and never once stop for traffic lights. When I'm back in the city, I enjoy running through the different NYC boroughs. My favorite is running from Queens back to Manhattan because I have to cross the Queensboro Bridge. I get so pumped up as I’m trudging up the bridge because I envision myself running in the NYC Marathon. I've heard that the cheering crowds are electrifying as you come off the bridge and enter Manhattan.

Who is your favorite person to run with and why? 
I love running with my boyfriend because he gives great advice and pushes me to run a faster pace. However, he is a short distance runner so I'm often on my own. I really enjoy running by myself because it gives me a chance to relax, clear my head and focus on my pacing.

What is the best piece of running advice you ever received and who was it from?
I have a history with running injuries and my mentality has always been to "run through the pain". Unfortunately, I learned the hard way while training for the 2010 Nike San Francisco Half Marathon. I decided to race while still injured and then had to spend an entire year recuperating from severe tendonitis. Hot Bird Running has taught me to listen to my body and back off if something doesn't feel right. Jessica once told me that a person can prevent a serious injury by simply taking one or two days off from running. Stopping when there is a problem gets you back to running in the shortest, safest amount of time. Best advice ever!

What is your favorite running gear/piece of clothing?
Tough question because I have too many favorites! But overall I'd have to say my iPod Shuffle, which is loaded with early 90's rock. I wouldn't be able to get through my long runs without Nirvana, Beastie Boys and some Rage Against the Machine.