Running with Hot Bird

Hot Bird's Tips for Leading a Healthy Life

To celebrate Women's National Health Week, Jessica, Caitlin and I (Meghan) put together our top tips for leading a healthy life. Being healthy isn't just about eating well and getting exercise; it's about mental health - taking time for yourself, doing what you love and showing love.

The Hot Bird's Top 15 Tips to Leading a Helathy Life.

1. Balance! Listen to your body and give yourself rest days and treats. 
2. Eat breakfast.
3. Challenge yourself - find a new race, a new sport, do something you've never done before - you will surprise yourself. 
4. Surround yourself with people who inspire and push you to be better; get rid of any sources of negativity.
5. Spend your free time doing what you love - hanging out with friends, a massage, the beach and a book.
6. Floss your teeth every morning and night.
7. Make time for the ones you love.
8. Exercise OUTSIDE at least once a week.
9. Always see the glass half full.
10. Don’t be afraid to live outside your comfort zone – that’s where life happens!
11. Get sleep - aim for 8 hrs a night.
12. Unplug one day a week - leave your phone at home and go outside.
13. Buy a blender and start making smoothies (game changer!)
14. Find a running or fitness buddy.
15. Wear sunscreen/sunblock.
Like our posts? Pin them on Pinterest! We'll be creating images for the rest of our tips over the next few weeks.

Interview with a Runner

Corey Dergazarian is our featured runner of the week. We've known her for about 3 years and have seen her go from running 1 mile to knocking out a 3 mile run at 8:30 pace easily over 3-4 months. We like to say that she was our first success story! She lives in Prospect Heights with her husband, 4 1/2 month old son and energetic dog (Ella). She's lived all over the country and abroad and is happy to now call Brooklyn home!  

How do you know us - Hot Bird Running?
I met Jessica and Meghan about 3 years ago when I attended a Wednesday night run club at lululemon Brooklyn - where Meghan led weekly runs through Prospect Park. My husband and I had recently moved to the neighborhood; I hadn't run in a while and didn't know many people in the 'hood I figured, hey, I love to run and runners are fun and friendly people, right? why not give it a try. I am SO glad I did and was hooked from the start. Since then, I have gone on countless runs with Jessica and Meghan, attended several of their Hot Bird group training sessions and had a laugh kicking butt in the NY Ragnar Relay upstate with Jessica two years ago. The Hot Bird Running ladies are my go-to running experts!  

What are your current running goals? Are you training for anything?
I am a new mom to a beautiful 4 1/2 month old boy and am focused on slowly getting back into running and strengthening my (now-floppy) mommy muscles. I ran during my pregnancy last year until about the middle of my second trimester, but when I started experiencing back pain I decided it best to stop running and switched my focus to weekly prenatal yoga. I recently began running again after a now almost 8 month break and wow does it feel great! I have always wanted to run a half marathon - perhaps this will be my year!? 

Who or what inspires you to run?  
I have loved to run for as long as I can remember (...that and I really, really dislike the gym). I'm not a competitive runner and enjoy taking a non-structured approach to my workouts. I run because it's my 'me' time, even if I'm running with someone else or in a group. Nothing beats being outside with the wind in my hair, sweat dripping down my face and feeling carefree. Running clears my head and gives me time to digest my thoughts and decompress from busy city life. I'm inspired to keep going because that feeling of calm and refreshment I have after a good hard run can't be beat! 

What is your favorite running route? Or favorite place to run?  
My favorite place to run is through Prospect Park. Away from crowded city streets, winding through the many trails and paths in the park never gets boring! I also adore running along the beachfront when I'm visiting my in-laws in the south of France.  

Who is your favorite person to run with and why?  
My favorite running partner is my dog Ella. The minute I get my running shoes out and grab her leash she dances around until we're out the door! I am really excited to take my son out on runs in a couple of months when he is old enough for his jogging stroller - I hope he'll enjoy the journey as much as I do. 

What is the best piece of running advice you ever received and who was it from  
The best running advice I ever got was from the Hot Birds - to always have fun! When I'm out on a run and feeling tired or unmotivated, I remind myself it's not about my pace per minute, how far I go or if I'm running hard enough. I'm out there running and that's what counts. I just get my shoes laced up and go for it!   

What is your favorite running gear/piece of clothing?
I would be lost without my Champion Powerback sports bra (...even more critical now since I'm a breastfeeding mom!)

Running with Friends

Running is one of our favorite activities. We love it as an escape, a way to reconnect with ourselves or with nature but most importantly, we love it as a way to connect with and spend time with our friends and family.

Don't forget to run with people every now and again. It's a great way to spend time with friends, push your pace a little bit or simply slow down. We recommend coffee, tea or a drink after as a reward!

Enjoy your running and invite a friend next time!


An Interview with a Runner

Gail DiLisio, is our featured runner this week. We met her this summer while helping her and her partner, Cathy Bolz (on the left), train for the Smuttynose Rockfest Half Marathon in Hampton, New Hampshire. Her dedication and commitment astound us! She's lost over 50 lbs and is on her way to PRs! 

How do you know us - Hot Bird Running?
I heard about Hot Bird Running from the Lean Green Bean blog

What are your current running goals? Are you training for anything? 
My goal is to gain speed and be more efficient when I run, especially on long runs.  I am currently training for the More/Fitness Half Marathon in April.

Who or what inspires you to run?
I get inspiration to run from the challenge of improving my run, whether it be technique, speed etc.  The chance to improve is perfect motivation for me.

What is your favorite running route/place to run?
I love to run anywhere outside, even if it is freezing out.  My favorite route is Central Park - it is the perfect blend of rolling hills along with great people watching!

Who is your favorite person to run with and why? 
My favorite person to run with is my partner, Cathy.  We both started running 2 years ago when we each lost 50 pounds and found running a perfect way to stay fit and provide variety with our workouts.

What is the best piece of running advice you ever received and who was it from?
Well, the best advice came from Jessica Green, of course!  She taught me that if am tired on long runs, I can keep my legs moving just by pumping my arms harder.  Believe me, I have used this technique plenty of times!

What is your favorite running gear/piece of clothing?
My Garmin 310 has been great for training and tracking miles.

An Interview with a Runner

Martina Ladd, a Brooklyn Heights mom and runner, was part of our 10k training group for Brooklyn Moms. She loves being outside and traveling with her family. This lady is no joke - she's moved seemlessly from being an investment banker to a mom of twins to a 10k star!

How do you know us - Hot Bird Running?
I was introduced through Brooklyn Babes Running, which a friend started.

What are your current running goals? Are you training for anything? 
I am aiming to do a half marathon in June.   It's going to take a lot of training though!

Who or what inspires you to run?
The need to be outside and feel clear-headed. I am also still running off baby-weight.

What is your favorite running route/place to run?
I like to run along the river in Brooklyn Bridge Park and sometimes over the bridge but I really miss Central Park for running.

Who is your favorite person to run with and why? 
Jessica Green by far!  She has given me amazing advice and she's fun to talk to so it makes the time go by faster.

What is the best piece of running advice you ever received and who was it from?
Of course it was from Jessica!  She said to go against my instinct to open my stride going up hills.  You want to take smaller steps instead of larger steps.  That has helped incredibly.  She also got me through my first 5-mile road race by telling me to go slowly.  I did and had a blast!  She was there to give me a big bear hug near the end too. What else could you want from a coach?

What is your favorite running gear/piece of clothing?
My Adidas sports bra!

Tunes Tuesday

Each week we like to check in and find out which songs are motivating you on your run or workout. Comment below with your favorite running or work out music.

Here's what is keeping us motivated this week:

All Eyes On You - St. Lucia

Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia


Winter Half Marathon Group Program

Starts November 5, 2012.  Deadline to Register is November 2nd.

Take your training to the next level with Hot Bird Running’s Winter Half Marathon Group Program. In this program, you receive a 12-week personalized training program, coached Saturday sessions in Brooklyn Bridge Park and real-time coaching instruction PLUS a team of other runners training alongside you. This plan will get you to your goals and keep you feeling fit, healthy and motivated all winter long. Training can be designed for the NYRR Manhattan Half Marathon (exact date TBD) or a different half this winter.

What You Get:

  • Professional coaching to develop correct running form, endurance and speed.
  • In-person coached workouts with the team, led by an experienced, certified running coach.
  • A friendly, non-competitive environment.
  • Q&A sessions with the coaches once a week.
  • Weekly email communication with the coaches.

Program Details:

  • Coached 1-hour group workouts on Saturdays at 9:15 in Brooklyn Bridge Park from 11/3/12- 1/19/12, except Nov 24, Dec 15, Dec 29 
  • Personalized 12-week training plan beginning the week of October 29th. Training is based on your goals and fitness level. Includes running specific workouts, strength training and cross training; race strategy and recovery information; and training feedback and modifications.
  • Mid-week online chats with coaches.
  • Cost: $350 for entire program.  All purchases are final.
  • Must run a minimum of 3+ times per week or 10 miles total each week. All paces welcome.

Register/Pay Online:  Pay online using the payment button below (then fill out our New Client Registration Form) or contact us via our Contact page, phone number: 646.535.0307 or email: to get started or for additional information.   

We will email you within 24 hours if you purchase online, or contact us either through our contact form on our website or our contact information.  Register no later than October 25th

Tip of the Week - Run a race with a friend

Yesterday, Jessica and I ran the Battle of Brooklyn race in Prospect Park with a friend and client. What we love about this race is 1) it's local and 2) you can run it as individual (10 miles) or as a 3 person relay (3.3 miles each). If you read our blog or know us, you know that we love our relay races because it transforms a solitary sport a team sport.

All 3 of us had different goals and reasons for running the race. Despite our varied reasons, we were able to run together, run well and have fun. So, our tip of the week is to find a 5k or 10k and a few friends to run it with you. Make a morning of it by having breakfast together and going to a yoga class to stretch out your muscles.

Have you run a race with friends? Comment below and tell us which race.

Best Workouts for the Bride

If you are embarking on a fitness and diet routine to tone up and look good on your big day, add running into your plan. Running burns the most calories AND it's a great way to releive stress (we know there's a bit of that leading up to a wedding!)

If you want an easy and effective way to tone up and slim down, run with us. Our private training sessions pack in both cardio and strength training. All of our sessions are catered to your goals - think skinny, toned arms, stamina for the dance floor and awesome looking legs! Think of our sessions as a wedding bootcamp.

New York Magazine named us one of the best workouts for brides. Check us out!

Friday Fun at the Track!

We hit the track this morning with our client (and friend!), Jaema. It was kinda rainy and it was 7am. What happened? We kicked some butt! It was Jaema's first time running an interval set on the track. She's training for lululemon's SeaWheeze Half Marathon in August. We chose this track workout based on where she's at with her training.

Track workouts are a great way to increase your speed, learn proper pacing and build stamina. Today we did a pyramid set: 400, 800, 1200, 800, 400. We aimed for consistent splits. A pyramid track workout is a great way to test your ability to run on tired legs and figure out your pacing for different distances.

Remember, always warm up and cool down with at least a mile. Perform a few dynamic stretches before running your track workout and finish up with some static stretches and a few core exercises.



Favorite Places to Run

We love running and we want everyone else to love running as well! However, not all runs are created equal and a lot of that has to do with the location or setting of the run.

Jessica loves her Oregon trail runs. Meghan loves her runs along the beach. Comment below and tell us your favorite place(s) to run.

The picture is of a trail run in Park City that Meghan fell in love with. Enjoy!

Tips to Start Running

We've heard it a million times before, that running is one of the best ways to get fit and lose weight. So, why isn't everyone out there running or jogging and getting fit? Because running can be daunting and painful and not the easiest activity for people. Many of our clients come to us because running is not comfortable for them or they don't know how to start running. Questions abound: how fast do I run? Am I running correctly? Why can't I run for more than a few minutes?

We firmly believe that everyone is able to run! How you start is very important. We recommend you create a plan or strategy. Here are our top tips for how to start running.

1. Run/Walk - this is probably the most effective way to start a running routine. Begin by walking fast for 5 minutes and then run for 1-2 minutes. Continue with the run/walk for 20 minutes (we suggest 3-4mins walking and 1-2 minutes running for beginners) Experiment with different lengths of running and walking.

2. Map it out - know where you are going. Use Map My Fitness or Google pedometer to map out a route that is 1 mile

3. Get some motivational music - pick about 7-8 of your favorite songs, load em up on your iphone, ipod, etc and head outside. Put a few of the slower tracks first and then build up to the fun, dance songs. Run for the length of your mix (20-25 mins). Here are some of our favorites: Hot Bird Music

4. Take it slow - pace doesn't matter! Start off slow and let your body get use to the new movement.

5. Make it social - find a friend and run or run/walk with them. Put it on your calendar and you'll be less likely to skip it. lululemon stores lead fun runs out of their stores. Find a store near you.

6. Keep an exercise log/journal - keep a record of your runs. Write down your activity - time, run/walk intervals, how you felt and time of day. This is a great way to see your progress.

7. Find a coach who you relate and will help you reach your goals!

We hope this motivates you to lace up those sneakers and get out there. 

Hot Bird Running Class on Saturday

Our outdoor classes are back! We are kicking off a season of Hot Bird Running classes this Saturday at 9am. Meet us at Mala Yoga, 162 Court St at Amity St, for an hour long, fun running and strength class. 

During the class, we'll run 2 to 2.5 miles with stops in between to perform strength exercises targeted to runners. Must be able to run 2 miles continuously. Email us if you have questions!

Class is $15, cash or check. Bring water and a friend! See you at 9am outside of Mala.

Running with Hot Bird Coaches

We are leading a coached, group run tomorrow at 8:30am in Brooklyn, NY. Join us for a 3.5ish mile run along Brooklyn Bridge Park. We'll show you proper warm-up techniques and training tips. Also, ask us all your burning running questions! The run is $15 and we are meeting at Mala Yoga (162 Court Street at the corner of Amity Street). Just show up! It's going to be a beautiful day!

Coached, group run on Saturday at 8:30 in Brooklyn

Join us and Mala Yoga on Saturday at 8:30am for a 3-4 mile coached, group run. All levels are welcome. We will meet at Mala Yoga (162 Court Street, at the corner of Amity Street) and leave at 8:30am. Bring yourself, a friend and $15. Steph's Yoga for Runners class is the next day. Treat your legs to a fun run on Saturday and then a class just for them on Sunday. 

Hot Birds on the Radio Tomorrow! 12:30 EST

Hot Bird Running is excited to announce that we will be featured on Run Momma Run  Radio's podcast tomorrow at 12:30 EST.  During the podcast, we are tackling the ups and downs of running hills, which all of you know we love to talk about. We'll answer your questions about how to get started on hill work, why they're good for race training, endurance and strength benefits of hill running, proper hill running form and how to avoid injury.  Tune in Friday, February 24th at 12:30pm EST. Oh, the best part? Listen for instructions on how to win a FREE month of our customized express training package.  Join us!

Set your alarms, you don't want to miss us!

10 things we love about running

In honor of Valentine's Day. We came up with 10 things we love about running. These are in no particular order. We hope you have a love filled day! (And give your shoes a little extra love today)

-being outdoors
-post workout meal (chocolate chip pancakes are meghan's favorite)
-the tight pants
-a trail run
-exploring a new place
-the almost flying feeling
-the stares we get from people at 6am on a Saturday
-social aspect - healthy gossip time
-the energy running give us
-a fast time

Tasty Treats For Your Runs - Honey Stingers

Curious what type of "food" is good to eat during your long runs or high intensity workouts? Over the next few months, we are experimenting with different energy gels, blocks, gu, etc. during our runs.  This week we tried Honey Stingers.

We've heard a lot of great feedback about this company and their products. We ate their Promegranate Organic Energy Chews yesterday morning before the first track workout of our Eugene Marathon training AND they are delicious and effective.  We highly recommend!

What we like about them:
-95% organic
-taste great
-easy to digest (i.e., no stomach issues while running).

What we don't like about them:
-honestly, nothing

Our workout: 1.5 mile warm up, 4x800s with 400 recovery in between and 1 mile cool down. It was a cold day (a sheet of ice covering the track forced us to relocate to the sidewalk) and a little hard to get our legs to turn over and keep our muscles warm during the recovery laps.  We were happy we ate some "food" before our workout.

Planning to mix in these yummy energy treats on more runs. Go out and try them![gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="2"]

How to stick with your 2012 resolutions

Join a running program! It's a new year and time to achieve those goals you set a mere 12 days ago. If you want to burn calories and stay in shape this winter, running is a natural choice because it burns more calories than all other forms of cardio exercise.

Our six week program will get you running, looking toned and feeling great. Sign up by 1/31/12 and you'll save $50!

Your 6 week Hot Bird Running & training program includes:

  • Initial comprehensive questionnaire about your fitness and running background, personal and fitness goals and nutrition

  • Customized weekly workout plan to achieve your personal fitness and running goals

  • Group Class (Mondays at 7pm, at High St Subway in BK Heights)

  • Weekly Group Run (Saturdays at 10am in Prospect Park)

  • 6 week VIP membership to Triomph  (includes facility use & group classes)

Resolutions may not work...but running does!

Our newest client - Mom

Ever since I began running marathons, my parents have supported me, cheered me on, bought numerous ice packs and ask me why I want to run that far. I respond, "it's not all that far if you keep training. Why don't you come for a run with me". Their response: "We don't run".

Well, on New Year's day, my mom ran with me! After hearing about our clients' progress, she was inspired. We began with a walk and then integrated 1 min running with 4 mins of walking. She loved it and is getting Dad to run with her this weekend.

If I self proclaimed "I'm not a runner" can run, you can too! Try something new this year in 2012.