find a running buddy

Hot Bird's Tips for Leading a Healthy Life

To celebrate Women's National Health Week, Jessica, Caitlin and I (Meghan) put together our top tips for leading a healthy life. Being healthy isn't just about eating well and getting exercise; it's about mental health - taking time for yourself, doing what you love and showing love.

The Hot Bird's Top 15 Tips to Leading a Helathy Life.

1. Balance! Listen to your body and give yourself rest days and treats. 
2. Eat breakfast.
3. Challenge yourself - find a new race, a new sport, do something you've never done before - you will surprise yourself. 
4. Surround yourself with people who inspire and push you to be better; get rid of any sources of negativity.
5. Spend your free time doing what you love - hanging out with friends, a massage, the beach and a book.
6. Floss your teeth every morning and night.
7. Make time for the ones you love.
8. Exercise OUTSIDE at least once a week.
9. Always see the glass half full.
10. Don’t be afraid to live outside your comfort zone – that’s where life happens!
11. Get sleep - aim for 8 hrs a night.
12. Unplug one day a week - leave your phone at home and go outside.
13. Buy a blender and start making smoothies (game changer!)
14. Find a running or fitness buddy.
15. Wear sunscreen/sunblock.
Like our posts? Pin them on Pinterest! We'll be creating images for the rest of our tips over the next few weeks.