
#TastyTuesday - Our Favorite Smoothie

We love finding new ingredients for smoothies and learning about new combinations. However, there's one that we always come back to, because it's tasty, it's filling, it's packed full of vitamins and it's easy. We call it our Can't Miss Smoothie. It's great for breakfast, an afternoon snack or a post-run recovery shake.

Here it is:

1 handful spinach
1/2 banana
1/2 cup of pineapple (we use the frozen kind)
1 scoop of Designer Whey vanilla protein powder
8-10 oz of water (and a few ice cubes)
Blend and enjoy!

Good Morning Chia Ginger Smoothie - #TastyTuesday

by Meghan Reynolds

I've become a bit bored with the smoothies I've been making. I checked out what I had in my cabinets and searched around for some new ideas and voila, (thanks Pinterest!) I found loads of recipes. I found a bunch that included chia seeds and thought that sounded interesting -adding a bit of crunch to a smoothie. I gathered what I had in my fridge and cabinets (another reason I like smoothies- endless combinations, just need a bit of inspiration sometimes) and decided on a strawberry, ginger, chia seed concoction. I like ginger because t's a natural digestive aid and chia seeds are packed protein and Omega-3s - a perfect morning boost, in my opininon :)

Here's what I created - the Good Morning Chia Ginger Smoothie


1 cup almond milk

1 banana

1 cup berries (I used strawberries & raspberries; use both, one or add blueberries!)

1 tbsp Chia seeds

1 inch fresh ginger

2 shakes cinnamon (who really measures that anyways!?)

A handful of ice

Blend up, pour and enjoy!

Hot Bird's Tips for Leading a Healthy Life

To celebrate Women's National Health Week, Jessica, Caitlin and I (Meghan) put together our top tips for leading a healthy life. Being healthy isn't just about eating well and getting exercise; it's about mental health - taking time for yourself, doing what you love and showing love.

The Hot Bird's Top 15 Tips to Leading a Helathy Life.

1. Balance! Listen to your body and give yourself rest days and treats. 
2. Eat breakfast.
3. Challenge yourself - find a new race, a new sport, do something you've never done before - you will surprise yourself. 
4. Surround yourself with people who inspire and push you to be better; get rid of any sources of negativity.
5. Spend your free time doing what you love - hanging out with friends, a massage, the beach and a book.
6. Floss your teeth every morning and night.
7. Make time for the ones you love.
8. Exercise OUTSIDE at least once a week.
9. Always see the glass half full.
10. Don’t be afraid to live outside your comfort zone – that’s where life happens!
11. Get sleep - aim for 8 hrs a night.
12. Unplug one day a week - leave your phone at home and go outside.
13. Buy a blender and start making smoothies (game changer!)
14. Find a running or fitness buddy.
15. Wear sunscreen/sunblock.
Like our posts? Pin them on Pinterest! We'll be creating images for the rest of our tips over the next few weeks.

Cait's Plate: Spotlight on Smoothies

Every other week, Caitlin Grams 0f  Caitlin Lives Well, is bringing us delicious recipes inspired from her New Year’s Resolution “to make one new recipe a week”.  This week we learn about the deliciousness and nutritional value of smoothies! Enjoy!

Spotlight on smoothies

I'm on vacation this week, and while the hotel kitchen is not much smaller than the one in my New York apartment, it is really limited in that there is no oven or stove, so my meals this week have been a bit creative. One thing that has been consistent with my regular routine is my smoothies.

Smoothies are something I eat year round, for breakfast, a pre/post workout snack - sometimes even dinner or dessert. It is a quick, easy way to get in a ton of fruits and veggies, and I always make sure to up the protein content with chia seeds and/or nut butters. The ingredients change based on what I have in my kitchen, and lately I've taken to using a food processor instead of a blender - it makes the smoothies thicker so they have almost a sorbet like consistency.

1 banana (I usually use frozen ones that have gotten old and I've stuck in the freezer - a great way to not waste old bananas)
1 cup frozen mixed berries (or fresh when they are in season)
1 cup frozen mango or pineapple
1/2 cup almond milk (or yogurt, or milk of your choice)

2 tablespoons flax and/or chia seeds (for additional protein, fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, omegas, amino acids)
1 tablespoon peanut or almond butter (additional protein, healthy fats)
1 cup kale or spinach (I usually do this when I haven't had a ton of veggies and need an extra boost - you really can't taste it!) 

With the food processor I  throw everything in and pulse until smooth - about 1-2 minutes. Then I pour it in a bowl and if I'm eating as a meal, I'll sometimes add 1/2 cup raw oats or cereal on top for a little extra staying power.

The best part about smoothies is that you can change it up and add whatever you've got in your kitchen. Go crazy!